August 27, 2012
What to say what to say…. Maybe I should start about 9.5 years ago when I met Julie. We spent new years together…it was my first time meeting Nik’s family. Everyone was kind, but I was especially nervous to meet all of his girly cousins. Fast forward to that summer where Julie and I […]
August 20, 2012
I was greeted by Erin on the morning of her wedding with a huge smile. Getting ready was relaxed and going smoothly and Erin took the opportunity to talk about her family. She told me all about her dad and her moms. She has 3. Family was huge for Erin and Paul. They wanted to […]
August 15, 2012
When I was first contacted by Joyce, I was honoured by the request to capture this (very large) family’s photos for such an important occasion. Baby Maeve’s baptism! The whole family gathered in one place to celebrate this new life and what an encouraging and loving family it was. It was such a blessing to […]
August 13, 2012
I knew that I was looking forward to this wedding the minute I read Shannon’s email a few weeks before their big day. It was filled with excitement and she signed it as the “soon to be Mrs {Chris}”. It’s that kind of childlike anticipation that keeps the ilo team going; knowing that our couples […]
July 23, 2012
What a way to kick off our new brand with some photos of a new baby….still wombanizing. This session was insanely fun and allowed for the photos that I had envisioned to come to life! The timing was perfect and the locations were dreamy. Hats off to Rebecca who climbed, crawled, swam and floated whenever […]
July 10, 2012
A little throw back so that we can get caught up and blog about all of our bride’s and grooms! Somewhere out there in this big, crazy world, there may be a man who loves his betrothed more than Leonard loves Jamie. Somewhere. Maybe. But we doubt it. Thank you guys for being awesome, and in love.