welcome to the blog

June 18, 2011

Protected: investment

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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March 22, 2011

To have and to hold…

Many (maybe most?) wedding photographers offer digital files of images to their clients for posting on facebook or having prints made at a later date. This idea seems an obvious and welcome one, but sometimes those important pictures sit on a disc or hard drive for years on end, hoping to one day be hung in a hallway […]

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March 14, 2011

We’re back!!! { Thunder Bay Wedding Photographer }

As photographers not blogging that often usually means one of two things: we’re not producing enough work to blog very much, or we’re working too much to find the time to blog. Good thing for us, it’s the latter. We are insanely busy with client meetings, emails pouring in and of course, freezing lovely moments […]

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March 14, 2011

We're back!!! { Thunder Bay Wedding Photographer }

As photographers not blogging that often usually means one of two things: we’re not producing enough work to blog very much, or we’re working too much to find the time to blog. Good thing for us, it’s the latter. We are insanely busy with client meetings, emails pouring in and of course, freezing lovely moments […]

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January 12, 2011

Outdoor Rinks {Thunder Bay Photographer}

It wouldn’t be Northwestern Ontario without outdoor rinks on every corner. I didn’t even know these existed until after I moved here. Growing up in a small Vancouver Island town didn’t afford me the pleasure of experiencing winter activities in the great outdoors. We had to invent things like ‘ice blocking’ (you must know what […]

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January 4, 2011

Kim & Jarret {Thunder Bay Photographer}

These two. They are in love. And they have a dog. So what better thing to do on a Saturday than take pictures of them? This was my first time at the tree farm and I loved it! It made me wish I had a dog so I had an excuse to go there often. […]

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December 28, 2010

Kelly & Melinda {Thunder Bay Wedding Photographer}

Hello Blog Land!We trust you all had a very Merry CHRISTMAS!!! Wedding season has long gone but we saved this post to tickle your fancies whilst awaiting for the upcoming 2011 weddings! We’re pretty excited about our ‘to be’ brides and grooms. Each couple brings with them a bevvy of personality and we can’t wait […]

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November 22, 2010

Well, now that’s something! {fiorito foto = ilo photo!}

If you’ve ever previously perused this little corner of the interweb, you’re likely staring at your screen a tad puzzled. You may be asking yourself, “Didn’t I go to the fioritofoto blog?” or “What is ilo photo?” or even “This isn’t a recipe for waffles!” The truth is, these are all valid questions, because you did indeed […]

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November 22, 2010

Well, now that's something! {fiorito foto = ilo photo!}

If you’ve ever previously perused this little corner of the interweb, you’re likely staring at your screen a tad puzzled. You may be asking yourself, “Didn’t I go to the fioritofoto blog?” or “What is ilo photo?” or even “This isn’t a recipe for waffles!” The truth is, these are all valid questions, because you did indeed […]

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November 19, 2010

October love { Kaela and Kent } Thunder Bay Wedding Photographer

We love October. Well, I know I do. I think it’s one of my favourite times of the year. The colours, the coziness….it’s all so comforting. If I could choose a month to get married in again, it would be October. But enough about my obsession with the tenth month of the year. How about […]

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