May 29, 2017
Josh and Michelle are dear friends of ours who are getting married in the fall. We regularly get together and couldn’t wait to do a few engagement photos with them. All signs pointed to May 7th being the best evening for their session, and we decided that our house would provide some great views and light. Nik is shooting […]
May 29, 2017
Josh and Michelle are dear friends of ours who are getting married in the fall. We regularly get together and couldn’t wait to do a few engagement photos with them. All signs pointed to May 7th being the best evening for their session, and we decided that our house would provide some great views and light. Nik is shooting […]
October 20, 2015
It was a regular day. The weather had turned and it was quite cold, although my kids could care less what the ol’ weatherman says and were still reliving the good times of summer in their shorts and t-shirts. I had to run an errand. It was a simple, 5-minute task so I didn’t make […]
June 18, 2015
These last three weeks have been particularly hard. I had convinced myself that this was our time, it was our turn….that there was a baby waiting for us on the other side of the Atlantic. I even looked up flights in anticipation of getting THE call. You know, most of our friends know that we […]
June 8, 2015
So it’s Sunday night and I realized that I didn’t update on Thursday as promised….but y’all can forgive me right? ha! It’s tough to get back in the swing of blogging when it’s been a little *ahem* non-existent as of late. Anyways….I thought I’d share an FAQ post about our adoption so here it gooooes: […]
June 8, 2015
So it’s Sunday night and I realized that I didn’t update on Thursday as promised….but y’all can forgive me right? ha! It’s tough to get back in the swing of blogging when it’s been a little *ahem* non-existent as of late. Anyways….I thought I’d share an FAQ post about our adoption so here it gooooes: […]
May 28, 2015
We are often asked two questions when people hear that we are adopting. First is always, “why?” and the second is usually, “Aren’t you busy enough already?”. I love the first question because it gives me an opportunity to chat about how adoption has touched my life and also it reminds me to hold fast […]