She saves tiny little lives every day. He is learning to save lives at med school. There’s is a love that has lasted the test of time. They’ve walked a long road together and at the end of it was one of the most beautiful days. A day where their love prevailed and they became husband and wife. Dreamy, right? Well, it was a dream. Here’s my disclaimer: This post is….long. It has 35 (I think) pictures to peruse through…and that’s just the bridal party prep…ahem, IĀ  mean the bride’s side prep. So, please forgive me (I think I say that a lot, don’t I) again. I will be devoting the next few posts to this magnificent couple. They deserve nothing less than a few days of our time. Trust me.

I will begin with miss Allison. A NICU nurse who has a bigger heart than I can even convey. She may be out saving the world one tiny heartbeat at a time, but I know that she has saved me a few times with her homemade suppers with their secret ingredients! Yes, that’s right. We know these two on a personal level. In fact, Mike was a part of our wedding. Allie lived in our basement for a time. The two have changed and enriched our lives. We love them and were incredibly honoured when they requested that we be the ones to capture their memories on this most important day. A request that we don’t take lightly.

I will be sharing more about these two, but for now…of course, some pictures and as always, click on them to see them larger!

  1. Katherine says:

    love all the ones with the parisols!! (that’s what they’re called right??)

  2. Amanda O'Brennan says:

    They look wonderful Ilo! šŸ˜‰
    Beautiful window lighting in the Bridals, I love the brick porch!
    And LOVE LOVE the one shot threw the parasol.
    Lovely… šŸ˜‰

  3. Jennifer Fabiano says:

    These are stunning! Love the bridal party shots, what a beautiful location!

  4. Mom F says:

    Absolutely beautiful!!
    I can’t help but well up with tears at these. Good job!!

  5. jodi says:

    that barn is too.die.for.!!! love love love!!

  6. jodi says:

    oops… “to.die.for”


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