Pulling up to this couples’ home was surreal. They live in one of the most picturesque parts of Thunder Bay. I’ve been excited to do these guys’ pictures since we met on that blistery night in Starbucks. The excitement that they both had in marrying the other was all together refreshing and beautiful. I’ll be posting a few pictures of their signable 6 X 8 guest book  as well, so watch for that.

I was also overjoyed when we went to go take a picture in front of some grungy doors and I decided to push one a few inches to see what was inside. Do you want to know what I found? Well, you can see the pics at the end of this post. But let me just say, this place is better than any place I’ve ever been to. And, if you want to know where it is…just ask….and maybe we’ll go there for YOUR photography session {wink}!

Enjoy your day and this wonderful couple!

  1. sam says:

    love the shot of her in his arms in the caged bridge. so much energy. great pics Dana.

  2. Kristi-Lynn says:

    What amazing photos you shoot! They brought tears to my eyes!


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