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November 3, 2009

Yes, he's still THAT cute!

Don’t skip over the previous post….that couple is just too good looking to gloss over! Ok, so I got to spend an evening with this crazy good looking family. They are full of beautiful babies and cool costumes! Do you remember that really cute baby from a few posts back? Well here he is again, […]

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November 3, 2009

Spooky as promised*

* plus 3 days… The last four days was full of fun and we got to spend some much needed time as a family. We have been busy getting ready for the wedding show (at the Valhalla on Sun. Nov. 8th) and it felt great to feel prepared enough to kick up our heels and […]

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October 30, 2009

This about sums it up…..

With this shoot came the first snowfall. I had a great afternoon with this family. Their baby girl is adorable, as you will see. These pictures were worth braving the cold weather. Check back tomorrow as we may have a spooky post! Yes, I said may. You know, we have three kids, and things don’t […]

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October 27, 2009

Last Night

…literally. Trevor has been a wonderful friend over the years. We love rocking out to this band’s music or, in most cases for us, sitting on our couch with a cup of java while this stuff is playing in the background. Trev, it was an honour to shoot you guys and get to hang with […]

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October 20, 2009

Baby got SPUNK

That’s all I have to say about this family. Actually, I could say a lot more, but really, they’d probably get embarrassed. You know, getting gushed about online would cause some to feel that emotion.

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October 9, 2009

Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting these two young people. We also had one of the most beautiful spots in Thunder Bay to shoot. I love the diversity in scenery at this location. However, I think you’ll agree with me these two compete well with their surroundings! Enjoy.

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October 4, 2009

True Love

Everlasting, unconditional, timeless love. These two love each other. They are a real example of how love grows over time and serves one another. They are very dear to us and we feel so blessed to be able to have such a legacy of, well, love.

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August 31, 2009

2 posts in one day!

Don’t over look the adorable family just below this post but I couldn’t RESIST putting a few of these ones up. We sure were blessed with AMAZING weather just as we needed it between the ceremony and reception at this lovely couples’ wedding!  We had about 20 minutes to shoot and the sun decided to […]

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August 31, 2009

Yes, this baby really is that cute.

So, I met this gal who just so happens to have the same name as me – spelled the way I think my name should have been spelled. She too was blonde, and had 3 children (beautiful children), and looked GREAT in purple. Seriously, the similarities between us are uncanny. Though, none of my kids […]

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August 25, 2009

Serious UPDATE!

Whoa, can you tell that we’ve been BUSY??? We are having an absolute blast doing what we do. It’s so much fun, in fact, that we often forget to update. So here goes an update with a few of our faves from the past few sessions: First up, a family reunion out at glorious Lake […]

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