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December 2, 2009

Winter time is here!

With yesterday came the first (in my opinion) real snow fall of the year. It started just as we were heading off to our shoot. This talented family was amazing, and little gal didn’t do too bad at all other than getting a little impatient with me asking her to sit on her little tushy […]

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November 30, 2009

*BlISS*fully perfect!

This little story begins months and months ago. I stumbled across a website of a photographer here in town. I proceeded to look through some galleries (ooing and ahhing all the while), and eventually hit up the ‘about’ section. I remember being struck by their passion and philosophy. I knew that if we ended up […]

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November 23, 2009

The thing about love

…isĀ  that it’s great. Janice and Rob have an air about them that makes it impossible not to see how fun they are. These two were up for anything even if it meant crawling through small spaces or climbing broken ladders. They did whatever I asked them and I had to stop myself from seeing […]

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November 21, 2009

Our great friends JKat and their great kids. I can’t tell you how cute these guys are, so I’ll just show you. Sound good? Alright then,

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November 17, 2009

Sometimes life surprises you with great weather. At least, that’s what I’ve come to expect here in Thunder Bay. Who would have guessed that we could run around in a light sweater playing with play-doh and having a tea party in our front yard? Or, take a walk with 5 sets of non -40 degree […]

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November 14, 2009

Rolling around….

Chris & Jacqueline….kudos! You two executed your wedding to perfection and with pizazz! Every detail was taken care of and made possible by the love and support of those around you. You guys have a support system that goes beyond the limits of ‘blood’ and it was evident to anyone attending that the love you […]

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November 11, 2009

We had a great time at the wedding show this past Sunday. What a great chance to meet other wedding vendors, artistic photographers and of course, brides! It was a great experience for us, one that we’ll be sure to repeat again next year. All that said, spots are quickly filling up for weddings in […]

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November 5, 2009

All in the family

Happy 80th Birthday Grandpa T!  

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November 3, 2009


I wanted to give this picture it’s own spot…I don’t know what it is that I love so much about it, the couple themselves? The gorgeous fog? The fact that it still looks greenish? I don’t know…but I can’t stop looking at these photos!

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November 3, 2009

Yes, he’s still THAT cute!

Don’t skip over the previous post….that couple is just too good looking to gloss over! Ok, so I got to spend an evening with this crazy good looking family. They are full of beautiful babies and cool costumes!     Do you remember that really cute baby from a few posts back? Well here he […]

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